It doesn't matter where you're starting


Get access to high caliber training, in person or on your phone

Peak Performance goes beyond programming.

There are many places to get workouts, but it’s rare to find a routine that is tailored to your body. Some of the top coaches still push one-size-fits all programs. Not us. We have entry level fitness programs, basic to advanced weightlifting programs, and full-on conjugate method. Not only do we tailor your program to target your weaknesses and break your specific plateaus, but we do so with a level of attention and comradery that you cant find anywhere else. 

In-person coaching gives you the added benefit of having a guiding hand for the entire program. Your coach is there to ensure you perform movements correctly and safely. Every movement is assessed on the spot with the goal of improving body mechanics while achieving whatever fitness goal you may have. On top of that, accountability matters. 


Training that meets you where you are

We have experience working with people of all levels. We've trained people that have never touched a barbell before, people that are post-rehab and have just been cleared by physical therapy, people above 70 years old, but also advanced lifters who have been barbell training for a decade. Anyone can progress here.

Functional Fitness

Strength training can and should go beyond getting strong. Whether you want to be more functional for your daily life, or you want to be able to hike to the top of a mountain without knee pain. It can all be done in the weight room with the correct approach. And believe it or not, you can build strength in the gym while staying injury free.

Goal Specific Training

While powerlifting and bodybuilding is our main emphasis, any and all athletes can benefit from our programming. The training and the goal may look different, but the road is always similar. Make as much progress as humanly possible while remaining injury free. Even if you're just trying to build a summer body.

Organizations that our athletes compete in: